She who reached the emptiness


writer : venus / vee / v ( #venus )

i. writings are written in descriptive && literate. highly selective ( will not entertain to those who only seek lewd and rushing replies. ) excessive to cracks and banters, mostly focused on serious interactions.ii. not safe for work ── contains heavy dark themes ( gore, violence, language, substance, sex/smut. ) in a reminder to minors, even towards their muses and, please do not take my character's personality since i am only portraying her based on my resources.iii. all art will be credited to the owner, i do not own any arts i will post on this account. ( manga panels and caps are my own screenshots and edited them with my username. )iv. shipping information ── this is not my main focus though, this will be a multiship account and I highly recommend heavy chemistry and is utterly selective with ships. whatever happens between the muse stays with the muse.v. i do not entertain or engage any drama in my timeline, i do not wish to be involved in any accusation and such but if you have a problem with me dm me please and we will discuss them in private.vi. verse tags : #multiversefor major clarification ; this is a composite portrayal of Musashi Miyamoto. this account is not highly focused in fate. I portray my character based on research and much knowledge that I can provide for my character, especially regarding the actual legend. till further, based on my learning about her history, I have also applied development upon interaction with the multiverse. the journey of my character has its own twist of her stories as one of the greatest swordswoman in history.

II. Background

Formally named Shinmen Musashi. Musashi is a swordsman from the early Edo period, renowned as the strongest swordsman in the history of Japan. He founded the Niten Ichi-ryū school of swordsmanship; a martial art that involved the dual-wielding of a katana and wakizashi. However, her circumstances are somehow different from the Musashi that left his name in history.

Second life story ; she is a young woman—a personage that originated from a timeline long-extinguished by the fall of the Quantum Time-Locks. Since the elimination of her world, she has perpetually shifted from timeline to timeline at random, traversing all varieties of locales and time periods.At a very young age, Shinmen Munisai abandoned Musashi because she was a girl. Though she was disowned, she built a hut in front of her father's house and lived there just to spite him. Once, she went to Sagami for martial training, she saw a strange old man while taking shelter from the rain.
her goal is to achieve in mastering the capabilities and ways of her blades, that will surpass "the one" that her father achieved, and for her to go beyond in the realm of nothingness.
not until mysterious fate began to unleash along the way.( story is still ongoing, keep a look out for musashi's solos )


─── a vibrant flower of tengen. Her sword reaches the heights of nothingness.A flowery, and relaxed individual that can never be worked up. She isn’t interested in victory but pays more attention if free food, alcohol, or money is mentioned, since those are her favorite things. She is often cheerful, open-hearted, and constantly full of pride. She doesn’t look down on her opponents but enjoys life when she can. Her way of expressing emotions is somewhat great. She greatly laughs and gets greatly surprised. But while she has a broad-minded personality, due to being “someone who masters the way of the sword” at her roots, she is very dry and severe in regards to the taking of lives.That being said, she is easily attracted if her interest was met or yet was beyond expected, and likes to be depended on very much, yet as much as possible ──── she had to do what it needs to be done. She also likes to be praised very much. Weak to flattery. A banchou disposition that loves a brawl. Although she has a sense of justice, she never preaches to be righteous herself. Fundamentally a carefree wandering vagabond, she becomes ruthless when coming across scenes.

III. Abilities

From one thing, know ten thousand things .


Musashi's Swords

Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū is mainly known for the two-sword—katana and wakizashi—kenjutsu techniques Musashi called Niten Ichi (二天一, "two heavens as one") or Nitō Ichi (二刀一, "two swords as one").She has the type of presence as the murderous individual , and her dual-wielding style is said to be a lot flashier than that of his male counterpart. Musashi usually keeps four katanas, this includes Myoujingiri Muramasa Muramasa's finest katana.Upon being weild her swords also emanates a ring of fire , a power that can weild elements . ( see Kenkobatō )

Myoujingiri Muramasa明神切村正 ; cutting gods and demons Muramasa. is a sword forged by Senji Muramasa. Though he claims it to be a failure because he accidentally smithed it into, he undoubtedly refers to it as his finest katana that reached the conceptual realm of Demon, becoming a Cursed Sword in the process.A single strike of this sword can cleave through the supernatural, on a conceptual level. It can cut through armor, boulders, and even steel, but it is not something that a normal human can use. When wielded by skilled sword users such as Musashi, it is able to reach the spirit core of powerful swordmasters.

personal skills

Fighting style : Master Swordswoman, Miyamoto is the founder of Ninten Ichi-Ryu, master of dual-wielding.Mild Martial arts : due to her father Shinmen Munisai being a martial arts practitioner ──── Musashi thought herself while watching from the outside of her father's dojo. In a battle with no swords , for at least she knew how defend herself with small learnings .Empyrean Eyes : Its other name is the Heavenly Eye. The effect of these eyes is extremely dangerous and very effective against the user's opponent, it permits the resolution of the desired result as "inevitable," by way of committing the entirety of the user's existence to the act of achieving the outcome. As also this is to perceive beyond its world. All senses will be enhanced upon the use of this ability.This includes:
- Precognition : ability to see the future.
- Cosmic Awareness : observe phenomena and be aware of events on a cosmic scale. It is associated with both Clairvoyance and Enhanced Senses and acts as a combination of the two that takes it to a much higher scale, allowing users to observe others from across the universe.- Fate Manipulation : the ability to manipulate destiny itself to achieve the desired result.- Casualty Manipulation : she can redirect any cause to any effect, undo anything by inverting the relation cause/effect, or even separate them entirely, making a specific effect impossible to be caused or a specific cause not producing any effect.Immense Speed and Reflexes: ( Immeasurable ) Her skills transcend time, space, and existence, leading her to a realm of nothingness with no time or space, devoid of thought and feeling, beyond the rift of reality and dreams. In this realm, which is explicitly not a pruned or parallel world, every moment her sword clashes with Kojirou's, infinite possibilities would play out and infinity and zero clash endlessly. Musashi's principle of Zero is such that not even the Buddha and the Gods, higher dimensional beings who transcend space-time and view it all as a book, could not escape it.Strenght and Attack Potency: ( Unknown ) Her skills had surpassed time, space, and existence, turning her sword into a blade that shaves all of the existence down to a single possibility and becomes one with Nothingness. She wields a sword of zero, designed to bring an end that's inescapable even to gods and the Buddha.Durability : ( High-Level ) She can withstand heavy impacts like close combats etc.


The Book of Five Rings: detailing the techniques she had mastered in life and the mental states she had achieved. It is divided into five books: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void, and is the culmination of everything that is Musashi.- The Book of Earth : ( strength ) stability/stubbornness; holding ground and using strength and presence. associated with collectiveness, stability, physicality, and gravity. It is a desire to have things remain as they are; a resistance to change. In the mind, it is confidence when under the influence of this chi mode or "mood", we are aware of our own physicality and sureness of action. This is a separate concept from the energy-force.
- The Book of Water : ( power ) defensive angling and footwork to overextend the attacker before counterattacking. It represents the fluid, flowing, and formless things in the world. Outside of the obvious example of rivers and the lake, plants are also categorized under sui, as they adapt to their environment, growing and changing according to the direction of the sun and the changing seasons. Blood and other bodily fluids are represented by sui, as are mental or emotional tendencies towards adaptation and change. Sui can be associated with thought, defensiveness, adaptability, flexibility, suppleness, and magnetism.
- The Book of Fire : ( energy ) using high energy attacks defensively. It represents the energetic, forceful, moving things in the world. Animals, capable of movement and full of forceful energy, are primary examples of ka objects. Bodily, ka represents our metabolism and body heat, and in the mental and emotional realms, it represents drive and passion. Ka can be associated with security, motivation, desire, intention, and an outgoing spirit.
- The Book of Wind ; ( resiliency ) wisdom, evasive, elusive methods that redirect attacks away from their targets. It represents things that grow, expands, and enjoy the freedom of movement. Aside from air, smoke, and the like, fū can in some ways be best represented by the human mind. As we grow physically, we learn and expand mentally as well, in terms of our knowledge, our experiences, and our personalities. Fū represents breathing and the internal processes associated with respiration. Mentally and emotionally, it represents an "open-minded" attitude and a carefree feeling. It can be associated with will, elusiveness, evasiveness.
- The final Book of the Void ( willpower ) contains Musashi's understanding of the concept of emptiness, written as a technique called "contrast." it is spontaneous and inventive fighting. it also means "sky" or "heaven", environment, it represents those things beyond and within our everyday comprehension, particularly those things composed of pure energy before they manifest; the emptiness that the energy is made up of. Bodily, the void represents the spirit, thought, and creative energy. It represents the creation of phenomena. It can also be associated with the potential of power, creativity, spontaneity, and inventiveness.
It is of particular importance as the highest of the elements. In martial arts, particularly in fictional tales where the fighting discipline is blended with magic or the occult, one often invokes the power of the Void to connect to the quintessential creative energy of the world. A warrior properly attuned to the Void can sense their surroundings and act without using the mind, and without using their "physical senses".The Blades of Kengo battō [ Master of Blades , DRAW! ] : with the capabilities in achieving of being the master of swordsmanship , Musashi's high skills and made the five rings as her own techinique resulted for the swordmaiden to wield her swords in manipulating elements on it's blades. Musashi calmly maintains the stance of Nitouryu, where Ni-oh exerts sword pressure of Earth-Water – Fire-Wind.Teleportation : Musashi also possesses the unusual ability to travel between Parallel Worlds without Rayshiffting, although she doesn't have any control over when and to where she'll teleport.Power Nullification : She has the ability to simply nullify the powers and abilities of others, negating their effects. In which this effect is accomplished and their restrictions vary from character to character, but the ability is often limited to a certain type of power, such as supernatural phenomena in general, or magic.


This is a canon source of the abilities of Musashi Miyamoto. After reaching Zero, she is capable of shaving all of the existence down to a single possibility that is totally unavoidable. She can also create new possibilities, instead of choosing one of the already existing ones.Emptiness: The highest order a swordsman can attain. The ultimate mental state. It corresponds to the concept of Suigetsu of the Yagyū Shinkage-ryū. One is nothing, thus invincible. Only a swordsman who has reached the infinite mental state can perceive this.

- Superhuman Physical Characteristics : the levels of strength, speed or stamina significantly exceed what is theoretically feasible for a regular person.
- Master Swordswoman: Mastered the way of the sword .
- Space and Time Manipulation : Her mentality allows her to bend space and time to their needs, to bring about the outcome she desires.
- Power Mimicry : She was able to copy a god's ability, despite their resistance to Power Mimicry.
- Unholy Manipulation : Wields demonic swords forged into the conceptual realm of demons.
- Soul Manipulation : For she can drift to space and time, she can also transverse into a realm of spirits in her meditation.
- Invulnerability ( limited ): is the power to be immune to conventional harm, powers may simply be unaffected by normal attacks, necessitating the use of things. It can be considered the defensive equivalent of Durability Negation, negating simple Attack Potency.
- Information Manipulation : power to control, alter, and even destroy information itself. A vast variety of effects can be archieved using this ability, from gaining knowledge or altering what people know to warping reality itself.
- ** Mind and Memory Manipulation:** Myoujingiri allows her to directly cut the target's Spirit Core or soul.
- Conceptual Manipulation : After reaching Zero she has the ability to manipulate, create, and/or destroy abstract concepts. This ability has a variety of applications, ranging from not combat applicable to incredibly dominating. Conceptual Manipulation involves the manipulation of concepts, and not the universe directly. However, through this power, one can change the universe's fundamental principles on the highest level.
- Resistance to Reality Warping and BFR : as a dimension hopper, she naturally resists the restorative properties of the Worlds she enters.

- Energy Projection : power to emit/project energy in a variety of forms and shapes . Can summon Tenman Dai-Jizai in command.


**The Book of Five Rings : the new chapter. **- The Book of Earth : ( strength ) stability/stubbornness; holding ground and using strength and presence. associated with collectiveness, stability, physicality, and gravity. It is a desire to have things remain as they are; a resistance to change. In the mind, it is confidence when under the influence of this chi mode or "mood", we are aware of our own physicality and sureness of action. This is a separate concept from the energy-force.
- The Book of Water : ( power ) defensive angling and footwork to overextend the attacker before counterattacking. It represents the fluid, flowing, and formless things in the world. Outside of the obvious example of rivers and the lake, plants are also categorized under sui, as they adapt to their environment, growing and changing according to the direction of the sun and the changing seasons. Blood and other bodily fluids are represented by sui, as are mental or emotional tendencies towards adaptation and change. Sui can be associated with thought, defensiveness, adaptability, flexibility, suppleness, and magnetism.
- The Book of Fire : ( energy ) using high energy attacks defensively. It represents the energetic, forceful, moving things in the world. Animals, capable of movement and full of forceful energy, are primary examples of ka objects. Bodily, ka represents our metabolism and body heat, and in the mental and emotional realms, it represents drive and passion. Ka can be associated with security, motivation, desire, intention, and an outgoing spirit.
- The Book of Wind ; ( resiliency ) wisdom, evasive, elusive methods that redirect attacks away from their targets. It represents things that grow, expands, and enjoy the freedom of movement. Aside from air, smoke, and the like, fū can in some ways be best represented by the human mind. As we grow physically, we learn and expand mentally as well, in terms of our knowledge, our experiences, and our personalities. Fū represents breathing and the internal processes associated with respiration. Mentally and emotionally, it represents an "open-minded" attitude and a carefree feeling. It can be associated with will, elusiveness, evasiveness.
- The final Book of the Void ( willpower ) contains Musashi's understanding of the concept of emptiness, written as a technique called "contrast." it is spontaneous and inventive fighting. it also means "sky" or "heaven", environment, it represents those things beyond and within our everyday comprehension, particularly those things composed of pure energy before they manifest; the emptiness that the energy is made up of. Bodily, the void represents the spirit, thought, and creative energy. It represents the creation of phenomena. It can also be associated with the potential of power, creativity, spontaneity, and inventiveness.


This is a proponents that gives insight into one's true nature, or the emptiness of inherent existence, which opens the way to a liberated way of living.The concept of zen is to empty ones soul in concentrating to the energy of it's spirit.With this reaching it its full state , this will gain a full control of a spiritual core as a result of Musashi's new ability the Sixth Path State. ( see Rikudō State )


Rikudō No Jotai ( 六道の状態 )

Sixth Path State - is a divine transformation as clearing her path towards the realm of nothingness “ 𝘇𝗲𝗿𝗼.” , and brought back of tenman dai-jizai divinity and earned his title as a Guardian deity of Musashi Miyamoto. It significantly enhances the user's powers and allows them to use a number of new techniques.This also had grant Musashi to enter the cosmic energy to an infinite realm.AppearanceThe shades of her Kimono are pale blue kimono with a spider lily motif, with ragged black scarves tied onto her upper arms. Her swords also differ from the original, with hilts colored black and white instead of violet and gold. And she was able to gain the insignia of zen, and Musashi was able to unlock 3 insignias.

Hum or Hung
The most powerful of the tibetan mantra, signifying unity and indivisibility. This is something that cannot be torn apart. It represents the unshakeable force that holds together knowledge and altruism. The purity that we want to develop can only be achieved by the indivisible harmony of method and wisdom.
It removes the veils that cover knowledge; purifies aggression, hatred, and anger.This is the mark appeared on her left cheek after reaching the state of nothingness “ zero ” .Lotus Flower
the Lotus flower symbolizes people’s path through life and their ascension into Nirvana. The Lotus flower sprouts from the mud, grows through the water, and displays its magnificence above the water’s surface. It’s a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and of keeping oneself apart from the murky aspects of life. The Lotus flower is often incorporated into other spiritual symbols, like the unalome.
Enso Circle
Ensō Circle it is also called The Circle of Enlightenment and The Infinity Circle. You can also see it called The Lost Symbol of Reiki. is that it represents a moment of complete mindfulness – a time when the mind is free and the body can create easily.


The lotus ZenThe combination of the lotus flower and the enso circle.This appeared on her forehead after reaching the full state of Zen in results as her divine form the " Flowen of Heaven."

Power and Abilities- Invulnerability : is the power to be immune to conventional harm, powers may simply be unaffected by normal attacks, necessitating the use of things. It can be considered the defensive equivalent of Durability Negation, negating simple Attack Potency, though one should be careful not to apply No Limits Fallacy.